Upcoming Events
Sept 19/23 - Fuel Good Day
Coops across Western Canada donate a minimum of 5 cents per litre of fuel sold to a charity of their choice.
We applied and were chosen for not one, but two Coops in our area! They were Delta Coop from the Unity area and Martensvile Coop.
Fifth Annual Unity Golf Scramble - 2024
Date TBA
SCVS is hosting our fifth annual golf scramble at the Unity Golf Course to raise money for Victims of Crime and Traumatic Events.
We will announce the date with a poster in May 2024. We will be accepting sponsorships and donations around that time as well.
Past Events
August 14/23 - Fourth Annual Unity Golf Scramble
SCVS hosted another successful golf scramble at the Unity Golf Course to raise money for Victims of Crime and Traumatic Events.
It was a lot of fun and cannot wait to see you all again next year!
July 18/23 - Ag in Motion 2023
Western Canada's first outdoor farm expo. We will had a table to promote Victim Services with the RCMP.
August 22/22 - Third Annual Unity Golf Scramble
SCVS hosted another successful golf scramble at the Unity Golf Course to raise money for Victims of Crime and Traumatic Events.
July 19-21/22 - Ag in Motion 2022
Western Canada's first outdoor farm expo. We will had a table to promote Victim Services with the RCMP.
April 29-30/22 - Martensville Business Expo
Prairie Sky Chamber of Commerce's business expo held in Martensville at the Martensville Athletic Pavilion. We had a table to promote Victim Services.
August 9/21 - Second Annual Unity Golf Scramble
SCVS hosted another successful golf scramble at the Unity Golf Course to raise money for Victims of Crime and Traumatic Events.
It was a lot of fun and cannot wait to see you all again next year!
September 26/19 - School Presentation
Presented Victim Services information at Luseland School in partnership with other community resources, such as West Central Crisis Centre, the Fire Department, Municipal Police, Alliance Church and others.
September 17/19 - Fuel Good Day 2019
Coops across Western Canada donate a minimum of 5 cents per litre of fuel sold to a charity of their choice.
We applied and were chosen for not one, but two Coops in our area! They were Delta Coop from the Unity area and Riverbend Coop from the Outlook area.
They chose to donate 10 cents a litre of fuel sold, $1 from each coffee and slushie sold, and various other fundraisers they were holding such as BBQ's and Plinko Raffles.
July 16-18/19 - Ag in Motion 2019
Western Canada's first outdoor farm expo. We had a table to promote Victim Services with the RCMP.
June 11/19 - Unity Golf Scramble 2019
SCVS hosted a golf scramble at the Unity Golf Course to raise money for Victims of Crime and Traumatic Events.
March 6-8/19 - SAPAVS 2019
"The Saskatchewan Association of Police Affiliated Victim Services" (SAPAVS) hosted Tell Us Your Story conference in Saskatoon.
They brought together various community based organizations and government agencies to bring awareness to the different ways in which crime impacts individuals.
It included presentations and discussions from speakers that came from all over the world. It promoted "storytelling" as it is essential in a victims healing journey to tell their story.
June 13/17 - SAPAVS 2017
Our staff took part in a three day conference with other Victim Services Workers from all over Saskatchewan. It was a great time to network as we all work together when it comes to helping communities.
June 10/17 - SCVS AGM 2017
Our Annual General Meeting was held at the Heritage Centre in Martensville (416 6th Ave South). It was open to the public.
May 28/17 to June 3/17 - Victims and Survivors of Crime Week
Victims and Survivors of Crime Week is an annual initiative of the Justice Canada Policy Centre for Victim Issues.
The goal of V&SofCW is to raise awareness about the issues facing victims and survivors of crime and the services and laws in place to help victims, survivors and their families. It is also about acknowledging the dedicated work of service providers who assist the victims and survivors of crime.
This year's theme was "Empowering Resilience".
May 6/17 - Spring Volunteer Meeting
Presentations from the Domestic/Inter-Personal Violence and Trauma Response from a victim's point of view as well as that of a Victim Services Worker